An online portal in service of Playful Liberation of Consciousness through: 


Ritual Design, Chaos Magick, Nervous System Exploration and Balanced Psychonautics

by Mavis

Ahoy Cosmic Traveler
Welcome to your adventure in ChaoSurfing
The Cosmic Customer Care department has spotted your unique wavelength flickering through the VOID. Through this portal we offer you assistance to level up your user experience at the Game of Life on Terra.
Explore the portal

We are glad you found this portal.

You have probably struggled with navigating this intense multiplayer Game World with your Bio-Unit, since your Avatar has some divergent features of neuro-wiring and we did not issue you an operating manual for your Central Nervous System. 


We want to offer you some relief!

Here you can take a deep dive to explore 8 Dimensions of Intelligence and unlock the Meta-programming feature of your Avatar, learn to debug shitty survival programming and mindfuck yourself to reshape your experience of reality while building balance, presence and resilience to surf the Waves of Chaos in a VUCA world. 

My Name is Mavis and I serve as Agent of Change at the Cosmic Customer Care department.

Foto @ Maximiliane Wittek 2021

The journey I have crafted for you, guides you into a psychonautic exploration of your own Central Nervous System guided by a Map based on the 8 Circuits of Consciousness Model by Timothy Leary/Robert Anton Wilson/Antero Alli and the 8 Colors of Magick by Peter Carroll. 

These maps and tools I have found wildly useful to realign and reshape my Reality Tunnels while riding the heavy Waves of Chaos in the last 5 years. 

I’ve weathered the storms, and now, I want to share the charted territories, the hidden gems, and the exhilarating experiences with you – so you, too, can surf the waves and reshape your experience of reality. 

The first group expedition for “The Balanced Psychonautics Quest” started on July 23rd. 

We are currently exploring the platform with a few Trailblazers and  working on improvements.

We have now opened the trail for explorers to jump in on their own time. The Quest is available as an evergreen to explore on your own pace for 55 Euros for now. 

If you buy a ticket now, you will have access to the content for as long as this platform exists and benefit from it as the content and delivery evolves.  

Holy smokes and golden apples!

As we will be adding features and content over the next months, the ticket prices will rise after the the spring Equinox, so hurry up and take a bite out of this apple!


For the deep dive explorers: ORMEC – Octomancy Research Monastic Expedition Crew
 – A live group online adventure begins March 24th!


If you have taken the Balanced Psychonautics Quest or are not afraid to jump into the deep end and play with Magick, you are welcome to apply for one of 23 spots on the next live group expedition of ritual research onboard of a magick ship. 


